Sunday, October 12, 2014

In each moment, you are deeply manifesting from the unmanifest Source...

In each moment,  you are (deeply) manifesting from the unmanifest Source within you.  You could say that in each moment,  you are born again.

-- Dr Carolyn Heising

Thursday, October 9, 2014

Formless consciousness.. the essence of who you are...

 Namaste friends... today I am going to be teaching from the Upanishads,  the ancient scriptures of India:
"What cannot be thought with the mind,  but that whereby the mind can think:  know that alone to be Brahman the Spirit and not  what people here adore."
This is saying that it is formless conciousness that is the essence of who you are.
  One favorite spiritual teachers,  Eckhart Tolle,  states it this way:
"The twofold reality of the universe,  which consists of things and space--thingness and no-thingness--is also your own nature.  A sane, balanced and fruitful human life is a dance between the two dimensions that make up reality:  form and space."
Could you exist in form without the formless dimension from which you emanated?
As Sri Sri Anandamayi Ma, famous saint of India in the 20th century,  another of my favorite teachers (gurus),  puts it:
"As a King is known by his majesty, as fire is known by its heat,  so the Unmanifest reveals Himself through the world of manifestation."
Om blessings to you all...  _/\_
Pure BeingPure Being
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Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Saturday, October 4, 2014

a higher state of consciousness is reflected in time spent in stillness each day...

Movement towards a higher state of consciousness is reflected in the time you spend in stillness each day. -- Dr Carolyn Heising
[PHOTO: I am in Orcha, Madhya Pradesh, India on my fourth trip to India February 2012]
— in Madhya Pradesh, India.

Friday, October 3, 2014

I am He... I am OM... I am soul...

What is He
He is pure soul
there is no mine or his
He is beyond ego...
i am in infinite bliss
none can distract or disturb me in this
my flow of love is so fast
that no evil can stop my speed
i have no words to describe it
He is infinite , perennial and eternal
He has no beginning or end
He is omnipresent in all
He is seer , seen , action and actor
He scatters celestial light in the universe
I am He
I am OM
I am soul

Saturday, September 27, 2014

we are a dream of a dream....

One who breathed windless .... the mind is the universal mind but the seed was born out of emptiness.....we are a dream of a dream (from the Rg Veda)...
[PHOTO:  Sri Anandamayi Ma saint of India]

Thursday, September 25, 2014

All is in Your hands.... we are nothing...

We are nothing
less than nothing
we offer ourselves to thou'...
our egos
our sense of doing
we offer all these to thou
As thou wish
we will act
we will play
we are only actors and players
we will become the same
the order thou passes
none is our decision
All is in Your hands
we are nothing

Monday, September 8, 2014

Thursday, August 28, 2014

Isn't it better just to be who you are at your center?

Is it necessary for you to label yourself... isn't it better just to be who you are at your center?
-- Dr Carolyn Heising

Monday, August 25, 2014

Flow is Life...

One is guided by hope
one is guided by ego
one is guided by inspiration...
but where ?
we do not know
you will blossom by love
the flowers of mind will dance
these will even grow in destruction
then the lamp will lit
you will decorate life with light

Friday, July 11, 2014


All bodies are thine bodies
But still thou has no body
All hands are thine hands...
But still thou has no hands
All eyes are thine eyes
But still thou has no eyes
All creations your own creations
All are thine own manifestations
O! Lord thou are infinite

Sunday, June 29, 2014

Spring consciousness....

Spring Consciousness
O! my mind create new spring of thoughts
you can not create spring outside
there are no flowers...
there is no cuckoo to sing
all boughs are desolate
soar high in high spiritual thoughts
never accept the grief in any season
be constant and still
in grief or in joy
always flow like a river
create spring consciousness
of weather and thoughts

Thursday, June 26, 2014

The universe is but a thought in Consciousness...

The universe is but a thought in Consciousness. In reality it is nothing.
One who sees the True Nature of existence and non-existence never ceases to exist. The Self, which is Absolute, Effortless, Timeless and Immaculate, is without limits and at no distance from you. You are forever It.

~ Ashtavakra Gita

{Image: The Second Level of the Multiverse of Dr Max Tegmark, MIT Physics Dept. According to Prof Tegmark, there are actually four levels of the multiverse.Clearly, the Bhagavad Gita's revelation of the true form of the Infinite would boggle any modern day searcher Arjuna, including Dr Tegmark himself :}

Monday, June 16, 2014

The eagle soars in the sky... reminding me of my dear father....

The eagle soars in the clouds... reminding me of my dear father...
[And what if the eagle fly inside ourselves, if the clouds were inside, if the sun was shining still inside and if distant stars were intimate. And what if Love is inside all, inside each of us-- quoted from Philippe Cadenet , Paradise, California]

Saturday, June 7, 2014

Friday, June 6, 2014

portal to infinity....

Is death an unmitigated castrophe? Or is it a unique opportunity for spiritual awakening.... a portal to infinity. -- Dr Carolyn Heising

Through stillness one enters the spiritual dimension....

Through stillness one enters the spiritual dimension --  Dr Carolyn Heising

Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Impermanence is the constant shifting of the material world of form...

Impermanence is the constant shifting of the material world of form.  To wake up out of form and discover the formless dimension is your highest purpose.
-- Dr Carolyn Heising

Friday, May 30, 2014

Sunday, May 25, 2014

the birdsong of spring...

Become consciously aware of the sound of Creation around you in the birdsong of spring. --- Dr Carolyn Heising

Saturday, May 24, 2014

New dawn...

Desires, dreams, doldrum
Slight love
One desire in the heart...

Daily dies slowly slowly
A revolt burst in the heart
In one moment
The meaning of life began to change
A new dawn
Began to emerge

a flower is a doorway to the formless dimension...

What is more simple than a flower? Yet, something shines through the form. You might say that a flower is a doorway to the formless dimension.
--Dr Carolyn Heising

Friday, May 23, 2014

Tap into the mystery....

Tap into the mystery.... the silence... the stillness... the Eternal Now..
  --  Dr Carolyn Heising

Thursday, May 22, 2014

Go into stillness to find the Source...

Namaste friends.  Today I want to talk to you about finding the Source. You cannot find your (true) 'self' in your life situation.  Your life situation means your job/career, your relationships, your status, your money, your possessions, or how many trips you have taken, etc.  Actually your life situation is as ephemeral as a dream,  so in the east they call this samsara, or maya,  translated loosely as delusion.  These are fleeting, totally impermanent.  Your only true purpose in this life is to find the Source.  Go into stillness to find the Source.

Friday, May 16, 2014

To touch the Divine, one must first enter the Stillness...

"To touch the Divine,  one must first enter the Stillness,  the Source of all wisdom,  the One Life."-- Dr Carolyn Heising

To touch the Divine,  one must first enter the Stillness,  the Source of all wisdom,  the One Life.
-- Dr Carolyn Heising

Thursday, May 15, 2014

Only through deep Stillness come the answers...

Nothing you can do will make maya fulfill your desires.  Only through deep Stillness come the answers.  --Dr. Carolyn Heising

Wednesday, May 14, 2014

if you subtract the infinite from the infinite, the infinite remains alone...

The Isha Upanishad says:
Auṃ – That supreme Brahman is infinite, and this conditioned Brahman is infinite. The infinite proceeds from the  infinite. If you subtract the infinite from the infinite, the infinite remains alone

Sat-chit-ananda.... the Universal Consciousness...

Sat--chit--ananda ... the Universal Consciousness

Satcitānanda, Satchidānanda, or Sat-cit-ānanda (Sanskrit: सच्चिदानन्द) "being, consciousness, bliss",  is a description of the subjective experience of Brahman. This sublimely blissful experience of the boundless, pure consciousness is a glimpse of ultimate reality.  [source: Wikipedia]

Respond calmly and with alert stillness...

When confronted by a very unconscious human, respond calmly and with alert stillness.  Let the grace of your Presence disarm them.
-- Dr Carolyn Heising

Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Be a conduit for the One Life...

Do something! shouts the ego, the little 'me'.  Isn't being a conduit for the One Life enough? replies the higher Self. 
-- Dr Carolyn Heising

Aspire and learn from the rishis...saints of all nations and religions...

Do not focus your precious consciousness on the crude;  there have been many rishis and saints in all nations and in all religions.  Aspire and learn from them.
-- Dr Carolyn D. Heising, Ames, Iowa USA


Namaste friends.... welcome to UNIVERSAL CONSCIOUSNESS AWAKENING... we are happy you have embraced the energy that is surging through the planet at this time... here we blog some of our own wisdom that is arising as part of this awakening....